
Become a User

Go Apply your Project!

FabLab KandaNishikicho thinks importance of communicating to each user and understanding their project. Every user will start from filling our “Project Applying Sheet” before using our facilities. Let us understand what you want to realize.

After you applied your project, we will guide you to each machine lectures. We can discuss the best practice how to realize your idea at this stage.

We might cooperate you further more after prototyping is done. Maybe we can promote and sell your result, or plan workshop utilizing your result. I hope you would share your idea and result as the best way under our relationship.

FabLab KandaNishikicho will wait your magnificent idea!

  • We hope you will understand the principle of “FabLab”, and cooperative to sharing economy.
  • We might decline your apply depending on your project (no free riders).
  • If you have any questions for applying, please inquire us from the Contact Form.

You Can download our “Project Applying Sheet” from HERE

Please send a mail to us with your filled sheet attached.

Address : info[a] ←replace [a] to @
Email Title : FLKN OpenLab Apply


Anybody can apply your idea.
We might decline your apply depending on your project, or utility situation.

Example ideas might declined>

  • Project which is offend to principle of “FabLab”.
  • Project which is considered to violate the public policy.
  • Project which is considered to abuse other people.
  • Project which is considered impossible to realize.
  • Project which don’t use digital fabrication.

Users will be charged…

  • Machine Lecture Fee (¥5,000 per machine, approximately 90min. for each lecture)
  • Material Fee

Schedule of Apply

User can use our facility only on Friday (13:00 – 19:00, National holidays are excepted). Applying deadline is every Friday, and we will respond on next Tuesday. You can start your project from the responded week.

Examples of recent projects

Food 3D Printer
User : Yoshio Kondo

Moon Phase Clock 
User : Takafumi Sugawara

Restoring Ancient Egyptian Furniture Parts
User : Naoko Nishimoto
